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“Unconscious Bias” – Diversity/Inclusivity training

April 19, 2023 @ 2:00 pm 4:00 pm

“Unconscious Bias” – webinar for Diversity CEU credit

 Instructor: Courtney McGinnis

Date: Wednesday, April 19, 2:00pm-4:00pm CST (3 EST)

Register here by Monday, April 17, end of day

  • A link to the webinar will be sent out on April 18.
  • No late registrations will be accepted.
  • If you need additional support, please email:

This webinar takes time for us to reflect on our biases, utilize resources to examine them, and adopt tools that we can use to combat these biases before they lead to harm. 

We make hundreds of decisions each week from who to sit next to on the bus to what we want for dinner. Our brains are trained from a young age how to categorize information in order to make snap decisions and to protect ourselves. You don’t need to touch every hot stove you ever see to know that if you see a stove, you should assume it is hot. Unconscious bias is a result of those mental shortcuts we’ve learned to take when sizing up a situation.  Unconscious biases, often related to protected classes of individuals, are not inherently wrong. However, when it clouds our ability to distinguish facts from assumptions, it can lead to missed opportunities and big misunderstandings.  

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