Our Eastern Region Mission is to serve, nurture and support ministries. It is our Vision to be a joyful and dynamic network of ministries
learning, living and demonstrating Unity principles in our communities and our world! The Unity Eastern Region recognizes and celebrates the vibrant diversity of how Unity teachings are presented, and we honor the divine nature of individuals and Unity communities.
Our mission is to serve, nurture and support the full range of approaches expressed by individuals and in Unity ministries of the Eastern Region. We joyfully affirm and embrace Oneness in the Unity movement.
learning, living and demonstrating Unity principles in our communities and our world!
The Unity Eastern Region recognizes and celebrates the vibrant diversity of how Unity teachings are presented, and we honor the divine nature of individuals and Unity communities.
Our mission is to serve, nurture and support the full range of approaches expressed by individuals and in Unity ministries of the Eastern Region. We joyfully affirm and embrace Oneness in the Unity movement.
Featured Resource
Beth Kukucka
Featured Resource
Rev. Valorie Kay
Daily Word
I trust in the absolute goodness of God.
Just as the sun is shining even on the cloudiest days, God is absolute goodness and love, despite whatever may be happening in the world or in my life. Trusting this truth keeps me spiritually centered and optimistic when the state of the world feels troubling.
When disorder seems to swirl around me, I put my trust in divine order. When discord rattles my nerves, I trust in the power of love. When I can’t see the way out of a troubling situation, I trust my power of imagination to envision a creative solution.
I have within me the power to make the goodness of God manifest. I trust this indwelling power as I live more and more confidently from my divine identity.
The state of the world no longer troubles me because I trust God and the Christ within.
When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.—Psalm 56:3
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