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Leaving a Legacy

A Note from the Board of Trustees

We stand strong in the knowing that we are eternal beings. And we recognize our time here in these bodies is temporary. While we are here, we work, we play, we love, we heal, and we grow. For many of us, UWM Eastern Region has been a huge part of the journey. Whether the region has supported your ministry or you as an individual, we all want the Eastern Region to thrive and continue to offer conferences, education, scholarships, support, connections, and more. The region has helped so many ministries, Licensed Unity Teachers, ministers, boards, and students. It’s always important to give back.

We are hoping that you will help us make sure that Unity Eastern Region is here for the next generations when they need it.

So, it is from a spiritual foundation of love and gratitude, that we ask you to consider making a gift to Unity Eastern Region in planning your estate. We believe that this is good soil and the seeds you plant will continue to bear fruit for many years.

Thank you.

In love and service,

Eastern Region Board of Trustees

We all desire to be good stewards of the gifts with which God has blessed us. 

Being a good steward includes planning for a time when we no longer need our earthly resources. How wonderful to know that after you have made your transition you could continue to support Unity Eastern Region.

All gifts, large or small, work together to keep Unity Eastern Region thriving for years to come and to ensure we continue to support all of the Unity ministries in our region and bring top quality service and education. Please to consider including us in your Estate Plan.

This information is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or Financial Advisor.


By including a bequest to Unity Eastern Region in your will or living trust, you are ensuring we can continue our mission for years to come. Your gift also entitles your estate to an unlimited federal estate tax charitable deduction. You can use cash, appreciated securities, a percentage of your estate, or specific property. A bequest is private and you may change it at any time.

When making a gift in your will or trust, please use the suggested bequest language.

“I, [name], of [city, state, Zip], give, devise and bequeath to Unity Easter Region, ADDRESS, [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] to be used for general purposes (or specific purposes).”


A Charitable Remainder Trust provides you or other named individuals income each year for life or a set period of time. When the trust ends, the assets of the trust are passed to Unity Eastern Region. Benefits of a charitable remainder trust include a partial charitable income tax deduction, potential for increased income, and up-front capital gains tax opportunity.

Retirement Assets

You can name Unity Eastern Region as the primary or contingent beneficiary on the beneficiary designation form for your retirement plan.

Charitable LEAD Trust

With this type of trust, the Unity Eastern Region Endowment is the recipient of the income stream from the trust for a specified term after which the trust assets pass to the remainder beneficiary, most often the heirs.


Monetary gifts to honor your loved one, given to the Unity Eastern Region Endowment, is a meaningful and lasting tribute to continue supporting the work of our mission.

Life Insurance

Naming Unity Eastern Region the beneficiary or transferring ownership of your life insurance policy leverages the value of your policy.