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Gha’il Rhodes Benjamin

New York NY

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Guest Speaker


Self-Empowerment Speaker, Workshop Facilitator, Grammy Nominated Spoken Word Artist



1.) “The Drop-off File” – Leaving yesterday in the past, in order to be totally present in today.

2. “Keeping Your Spiritual Self nurtured-up” – Stop giving all of you away

2) “Walk in Like You Own It” – Building your spiritual confidence & esteem so that your best self is front and center

3) “Falling in Love Like Never Before with Myself” – Learning to accept yourself as you are and shine in your divinity

4) “Writing My Way Through the Rough Spots” – Getting past life’s challenges with writing


Rev. Britt Hall, Unity of NY (I speak, hold workshops, lead women’s group at UNY)Rev. Shawn Moninger, Unity Center of Norwalk (Guest Speaker)Alysia Souder – Program Director Institute of Music for Families and Children, Elizabeth, NJ (teaching artist – self-esteem workshops, public speaking, creative writing)Brenda Pepper – Lead Teacher North Thirteenth High School, Newark, NJZoe Lyons Nieves – SunnySpot Productions, NY (spoken word performing artist for private events)

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