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LUT Representative

Resources for Students and LUTs

The purpose of this page is to help those interested in spiritual development by supporting people at any stage of the journey towards enlightenment. Whether you are a Licensed Unity Teacher (LUT), have completed a few SEE (Spiritual Education & Enrichment) classes, or are even just thinking about taking classes, bookmark this page and return to it when questions arise.


Contact Amy Joslin for questions related to SEE courses and becoming a Licensed Unity Teacher.

Connect with us on Facebook

Eastern Region LUT Facebook Page

Eastern Region LUT Facebook Group

For information about becoming a Licensed Unity Teacher: 

UWM Licensed Unity Teacher Program Page

New Student Enrollment Application – UWSI

Areas of Study 

Spiritual Education and Enrichment (SEE) Courses

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, your path at Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute (UWSI) begins with Spiritual Education and Enrichment (SEE) courses. SEE courses can be taken in the field at Unity centers, through intensive weeks at ministries, or online through UWSI.  Courses can be taken for your own spiritual enrichment or in preparation for becoming a Licensed Unity Teacher or a Unity Minister.

Licensed Unity Teacher Studies

The purpose of the Licensed Unity Teacher (LUT) program is to provide Unity ministries with leaders who are equipped to serve and support a Unity minister and ministry.  This leadership program is designed to deepen understanding of Unity principles and develop valuable assets for church communities.

The LUT program training is now part of the Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute.

The Focus Areas for becoming an LUT are: Adult Education, Administration, Pastoral Care, Music Ministry or Youth and Family Ministry.

The first phase of becoming an LUT involves completing 22 SEE courses.  You can refer to details on the UWSI website for details on specific requirements.  Once the 22 per-requisites are successfully completed, candidates apply for the LUT leadership program and choose a focus area.  Once accepted into the LUT program, candidates complete 12 more courses in 3 week-long intensive sessions that take place on campus at Unity Village and participate in a final exam referred to as the Skills Demonstration Seminar (SDS).

Continuing Education Program

All Unity ministers and licensed teachers who wish to teach Spiritual Education and Enrichment (SEE) courses for credit must maintain the current Continuing Education Unit requirements. To learn more about these requirements, see the Continuing Education requirements.

Additional Resources

LUT Reports and Maintaining Status

  • LUT reports must be submitted by March 31st.
  • Clear criteria for maintaining active status, coherent process for addressing concerns, and processes for regaining active status if it is lost.

Village Leadership Facebook 

  • A group page for those registered or awaiting Skills Demonstration on site at Unity Village

Syllabi for teaching SEE classes

  • Select “For Instructors” menu and then Syllabi – SEE – Instructors for a list of syllabi

UnityLeaderStuff Google Drive

  • Contains a lot of information, study guides, lessons and more
    • Access must be granted to view


  • Another great resource for Unity teachings, videos, online Unity books, etc.

UWSI Tuition Information

  • Tuition, fees, scholarships and more

LUT Representative: Amy Joslin

Amy Joslin is an Licensed Unity Teacher (LUT) from Unity on the River in Massachusetts. Amy’s passion has always been to support those on the path, whether it be as an LUT, minister, or seeker who is inspired to expand their consciousness. 

Amy is honored to be serving a second term as our Licensed Unity Teacher Representative for the Unity Eastern Region.  She holds a monthly Zoom gathering with special guests.  Her intention is to create a safe and sacred space for LUT’s and Teachers in Training to connect, learn and support one another.   

Contact via Email

Scholarship information from Unity’s Eastern Region

  • General scholarships and Fall Conference scholarships