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Unity Eastern Region Ministry Profile

Unity of Fairfax

Minister: Russell Heiland – 2013

About Unity of Fairfax

At Unity of Fairfax, we offer a welcoming, safe environment to explore one’s own relationship with God in a community of like-minded individuals.

We do not condemn anything, but affirm the healing of everything through the power of love and acceptance.

We seek to be of service, to experience the joy of living, the wonder of loving, and the miracles produced by faith.


Centered in Divine Love, we honor and celebrate a world awakened to peace, abundance and respect for all creation.


We are a vibrant spiritual community awakening each life to the Christ within.

Core Values

  • Spirit Centered: we turn to Spirit for guidance and active communication.
  • Love in Action: we actively express unconditional love in all we think, say and do.
  • Inclusive: we are welcoming, cooperative, connected, accepting and compassionate to all.
  • Peace: as bearers of Spirit’s divine inspiration we are the peace we hope to see in the world.
  • Integrity: our thoughts, words and deeds are trustworthy, authentic, respectful and responsible.


Unity of Fairfax is a spiritual center for education, practice and service.


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Meet the minister

About Russell Heiland – 2013

Rev. Russell Heiland, Sr. Minister of Unity of Fairfax, has served in that role since April 2013.  Prior to that, he served at First Unity of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL and Unity of Wilmington, Wilmington, NC.
Originally from Muncie, IN, Rev. Russell received a B.A. in International Studies from Miami University, Oxford, OH in 1988.  He was ordained through the Unity Worldwide Ministries Field Licensing Program in 2007.  At the same ceremony, he received his M.A. in Graduate Liberal Studies from the University of North Carolina, Wilmington.  His master’s project was entitled “Inner Vision and Synchronicity:  Dream Work as Taught by Charles Fillmore and Carl Jung.”
A Note From Rev. Russ: 

If you are looking for a spiritual community of loving people, you have come to the right place. Our community is made up of people, like yourself, who have been led to Unity by Spirit. We are all here because we’re on a spiritual journey to become all that we were created to be.

Unity welcomes people of all religious backgrounds and beliefs. We welcome people of all creeds, sexual orientation and social background. There are no exceptions in our welcome to everyone. In Unity we don’t tell people what to think; rather, we offer tools that individuals can use to create lives of meaning and purpose. It’s an exciting time to be here because positive, empowering  transformation is occurring!

Please stop by and check us out. You will find a warm welcome awaits you, and when you’re ready, we’ll support you in making friends and finding ways to have meaningful connections within the community. If you have questions, please contact me. I look forward to meeting you.


Rev. Russell Heiland

P.S. I have a weekly BLOG page. Take a look and if spirit moves you, add your comments. I will read them and respond.

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Ministry Information

Unity of Fairfax

2854 Hunter Mill Road
Oakton VA 22124 United States
Phone: 703-281-1767