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S.E.E. in the Field – Conversation Skills (SPD-112) – Unity of Washington, DC

Tuesday, February 25 @ 6:30 pm 8:30 pm

Conversation Skills (SPD-112) via ZOOM
Tuesdays, April 2 – May 7, 2024 – 6:30pm to 8:30pm (ET)
Instructor: Juanita Johnson, Licensed Unity Teacher
Conversation Skills is a course that enhances effective communication skills to include the ability to stay in dialogue when emotions are driving us to “shout out” or “shut down.” This course provides knowledge and tools for listening, creating connections and facilitating dialogue in tough, emotional situations. The principles and models taught are aligned with spiritual practices. The class is based on the model of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), which includes taking responsibility for our own experience; commitment to increasing our awareness of our own feelings and needs as well as those of the people with whom we interact; and having the capacity to be authentic and compassionate in all circumstances. In addition, learners will be working with conversation skills practices presented by historical and contemporary expert teachers.
Required Textbooks:
• Patterson, Grenny. Crucial Conversations. McMillan, Switzler, McGraw-Hill
• Rosenberg, Marshall. Nonviolent Communications. Puddle Dancer Press
Recommended Text/Readings
• Palmer, Parker J. A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward An Undivided Life. Jossey- Bass. 2009.
• Hanh, Thich Nhat. The Art of Communicating. HarperOneReprint edition 2014
• Rosenberg, Marshall. Living Nonviolent Communication. Sounds True, Inc. 2012
Juanita Johnson was Licensed as a Unity Teacher in 2022, specializing in administration, communications, and health and healing adult education. She has been a member of Unity of Washington, DC since 1999, where she is currently serving as the co-lead for the church’s live streamed services Online Greeters Team, and as a member of the Finance Committee and Meditation Ministry.
Class Registration Information
If you ARE NOT taking the class for Spiritual Education and Enrichment (S.E.E.) credit, just register for this class through the Zoom platform at:
If you ARE TAKING the class for Spiritual Education and Enrichment (S.E.E.) credit it is a two-step process as follows:
(1) go to the Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute (UWSI) website link:
to register and pay the $45 course registration fee IN ADVANCE of the class start date and scroll down to: Conversation Skills SPD 112 FC ONLINE SECTION 01 SPRING 202; Tuesdays, 6:30pm-8:30pm EST
(2) then register through the Zoom platform and you will be provided with the Zoom link to join the class:
FINAL NOTE: Once you register for the class you will be provided with the class link – please save the email with the link so that you do not have to re-register for the class each time you attend.
Download for class:  Syllabus Conversation Skills _April 2024. distribution v.1