Unity Eastern Region Ministry Profile
Unity Center DC
Minister: Rotating speakers

About Unity Center DC
Welcome to Unity Center DC (formerly Community on the Hill). We are a loving community of spiritual seekers, diverse in our ethnicity and backgrounds, but bound together by a shared passion for experiencing the nature of divine truth. We seek to transform our lives through the daily practices of meditation, prayer and application of the principles of divine truth. We affirm prosperity, abundance and joy in all that we encounter. We seek to experience the divinity in every person, knowing that the true essence of each soul is pure love.
We meet weekly to share and to be inspired by our community. Our services often feel like family reunions, where we laugh and hug and enjoy being in the presence of like-minded seekers. We learn from outstanding speakers and are moved by phenomenal musical performances that nurture and sustain us on our journeys. Together we generate remarkable energy of love and light, into which we welcome all newcomers.
Through Unity teachings, prayer, meditation, and music, we nurture and inspire all to experience the unconditional love of God.
Centered in spiritual growth, we co-create a loving world.
All activities are virtual Zoom gatherings.
11:00 – 12:00 | Sunday Celebration | Meeting id: 621 776 707 | Password: 250925
12:00 – 12:30 | Fellowship
12:30 — 1:30 | A Course in Miracles Study Group
| Meeting id: 897 4962 1889 | Password: course
1:00 — 1:30 | Guided Meditation and Fellowship
| Meeting id: 886 6139 1129 | Password: meditation
7:00 — 8:00 | A Course in Miracles Study Group
| Meeting id: 114 822 785 | Password: 503323
First and Third Thursdays:
7:00 — 8:00 PM | Spiritual Support Group | Meeting ID: 879 1247 7261 | Passcode: 471632
Second Thursdays:
7:00 — 8:00 PM | Monthly Book Group, Spiritual Economics
7:00 PM | Global Healing and Peace Prayer Circle | In home
Meet the minister
About Rotating speakers
Ministry Information
Unity Center DC
Washington DC 20007 United States