Unity Eastern Region Ministry Profile
Unity By The Shore
Minister: Rev. Angela Denton, MA; P.D. MFT

About Unity By The Shore
Awaken, Empower, Transform
Unity by the Shore is a heart-centred, affirming, and inclusive community that supports the spiritual awakening, empowerment, and transformation of individuals and the world.
We honour the many Faith Traditions and Masters and explore their teachings at UBTS. However, our foundational teachings on Oneness, engaging in affirmative prayer and meditation, and living a spiritually conscious life emanate from the core teachings of the Master Teacher, Jesus.
Unity honours the universal truths in all religions and respects each individual’s right to choose a spiritual path. We believe that all individuals, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation and creed, have sacred worth and we embrace all people as unique expressions of the Divine.
Sunday Service: 10:30 AM
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3508 Asbury Avenue
Neptune NJ 07753
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Meet the minister
About Rev. Angela Denton, MA; P.D. MFT
Rev. Angela is a compassionate individual who is zealous about spiritual growth and development and currently serves as the minister of Unity by the Shore in Neptune, NJ. She has been an active leader in the Unity movement for the past twenty-one years. Before becoming licensed as a minister, Angela served on her local ministry board for 8 years, served as a lay leader on the UWM Board, and currently is serving as the President of the Eastern Region Board. Additionally, Angela has completed numerous leadership trainings and peacemaking courses sanctioned by Unity World Wide Ministries and the Eastern Region.
Rev. Angela is also passionate about the healing arts and techniques that help to support the healing and empowerment of individuals physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Angela is a certified hypnotherapist and has completed Mastering Life’s Energies, Empowering Life’s Energies and Advanced Coaching with the Academy for Coaching Excellence. Additionally, she is a certified Reiki and integrated Therapy Practitioner.
Prior to becoming the minister of UBTS, Angela worked as a special educator in the Holmdel, NJ public school system where she enjoyed working with adolescents for 30 years. Also, for ten years, Angela worked to support and empower individuals, couples, and families in private practice as a marriage and family therapist. Finally, Angela has a BA in Special Education, a Master’s Degree in Psychological Services Behavioral Science, and a post graduate degree and Professional Diploma in Marriage and Family Therapy.
Ministry Information
Unity By The Shore
Neptune NJ 7753 United States