Unity Eastern Region Ministry Profile
Unity in Edinboro
Minister: Rev. Jenn Shepherd
About Unity in Edinboro
Unity in Edinboro is a small community in Edinboro, PA. The center is a 120+ year old church building that is full of history and beauty. Unity in Edinboro is proud to offer programming that is both open to its members and to the community, allowing space for interaction and comfort for a diverse group of individuals.
Sunday 10AM – 10:30AM: Open for Quiet meditation
Sunday 11AM – Community Gathering
Wednesday 6PM Grief Support (Just walk in)
Wednesday 7PM Healing and Meditation
Check the Calendar for special Wednesday Healing Programming
Meet the minister

About Rev. Jenn Shepherd
Rev. Jenn Shepherd joined Unity in Edinboro in 2014 and has served as Spiritual Leader since 2017. Rev. Jenn is passionate about Integral Studies, Inclusion, Healing, Spiritualism, New-Thought and Self Empowerment and the Bolts of Love program which she co-founded in 2014 as a way to bridge the gap and create space for interaction between those comfortable with a “church” community and those who are weary of “churches.” She holds a degree in history, a secondary education certification, grief educator certification, QiGong healer and teacher and teaches spirituality, self development, healing and mediumship. Rev. Jenn is a lifetime learner and brings that passion for diversity and learning to the programs at Unity in Edinboro.
Ministry Information
Unity in Edinboro
Edinboro PA 16412 United States