Welcome to the Eastern Region Uniteen page!

What is a Uniteen?
Uniteens are middle school age truth students in grades 6-8 or the equivalent. Uniteens come together in their home churches and at Regional Spiritual Retreats to learn and practice Unity Principles and share fellowship in a safe, spiritually based environment. Adult Uniteen Leaders guide and support Uniteens in their Spiritual Growth.
What is a Regional Uniteen Retreat?
A Regional Uniteen Retreat is an overnight or weekend spiritual event specifically geared for Unity middle school teens and pre-teens, planned and facilitated by Regional Staff and/or Uniteen Leaders, at a Camp or host Church located within the Eastern Region. Uniteen Retreats may be a one-day overnight or a full weekend. One Day Retreats usually begin ion Saturday morning between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. and end on Sunday around noon. Full weekend Retreats usually begin with check-in between 5 to 6 p.m. on Friday and end at noon Sunday.
Uniteen Retreats allow young teens to meet and gather with other teens from other Unity churches around the region to learn and practice Unity truth principles. Retreats commonly include large and small group activities, prayer, meditation, music, drumming, team building games, free time sports, singing, talent show, food, fun and more.
Who may attend a Uniteen Retreat?
To attend a Uniteen Retreat, teens must be in grades 6, 7, 8, or equivalent, with a minimum age of 11 and a maximum age of 14. Uniteens must also be active in their Church Uniteen Group.
Ministers, Uniteen Leaders, parents and chaperones are invited to attend who are active youth leaders in their church. All adults attending a Regional Uniteen Retreat must be approved by their minister for a Regional Uniteen Retreat and must send a copy of a National Background Screening obtained within the last 3 years to the Youth Consultant prior to attending the retreat.
How do I register to attend a Uniteen Retreat?
Registration is by Church Chapter. YFM directors wishing to register their chapters may click on the links in the right-hand column to get forms, fees and more information.